The untamed

If you fuckheads knew about this and didn’t tell me am gonna be pissed.

This is awesometacular.

There is queercoding cause its china but the original source material is straight up romance.

I’ve been watching this since yesterday and am already on episode 8. There is so much stuff going on in every episode. Man, this is fun.

Comfort Watch # 2: The X Files

Sounds a bit strange but for me, the first 6 seasons of the show was solid and I can watch it all the time. And then all the problems with the show begins. I dont rewatch the later seasons as much but the seasons 3 to 6 are pretty solid and season 5 is where the show really, really peaked both with its mytharc and its monster of the week stories.

This became my comfort show by second season and as far as I remember this was airing Sunday nights. Come monday morning, my friend and I used to discuss this in detail and we had no other place to check if what we had seen and understood was right or not. But for both of us who were just exposed to this kind of speculative fiction, we had hit goldmine in our prime teenage years.

The shows on tv those days didn’t have characters like Scully. She was smart, brilliant and held her ground when met with antagonism both from her colleagues and the bad guys. It was a treat to watch because she was such an intellectual character and I hadn’t come across character like hers before. She was a refreshing change from what I had been seeing on screen and could be quite inspiring when she wanted to be.

It wasnt like she was Mary Sue. Gillian Anderson put in a lot of her own personality into the character, evolved it and made it into something more than a whimsical side kick to the spooky heroic brooding FBI agent.

I restarted today from the very first season. This is the only TV show I own entire DVD set of. It’s almost 10 years old set and it was given to me by a very dear friend of mine.

Underrated TV series – A Recommendation – 1

As promised, here you. A short list of good TV recommended based on my personal preferences.

01. Let’s start with comedy. One Day At A time. My entire motivation to watch this was that the main lead, the mother, was a fantastic character in Queen of the south (another great underrated TV show, I haven’t completed watching yet so it hasn’t made it to the list just yet) and she quit it to become lead of this charming sitcom. Its charm comes from the family dynamics that’s encoded in their culture and the newness of the cultural change that comes with her growing children. The dynamics between the mother and grandmother is utmost funny, and lovely to watch and its not generational comedy that’s humorous but also quite profound in its growth.

02. Veronica Mars lost its way before they could continue further the story. With only three seasons and getting the axe, it was frustrating to see a teenage TV show that didn’t involve in petty drama but where the main lead was a teen detective. Not the Riverdale variety though but one that’s grounded in reality. Mars was a cultural phenomenon and never once did that “i am so different and i am not like these other girly girls” song and dance. I don’t remember her putting other girls down to feel herself better. She got bitch slapped way too many times and I didn’t like it in the show. To appease the fans, there was a crowd funded movie that takes place after few years of season 3. It was alright. But then, Hulu did something remarkable and funded a full fourth season. I hated the way fourth season ended, but that’s just me. Kristen Bell may be the woman who will forever be remembered for “Let it Go” but for me she will always be Veronica Mars. This is iconic.

03. Continuing on the thread of thriller and mystery, Leverage is a comfort show. It has action, mystery, thriller and great moments between the cast. But ultimately its about found family whose interactions only gets better, they all live better, function more cohesively as a unit and develop their relationships deeper. We live in the age of writing where every fucking person needs an angst background and that angst makes the person angsty (SANDHYA REMEMBER THIS CONVO!!!) and they all need to get back to this angst past over and over and over all the fucking time. Give me a fucking break. Though in Leverage 4/5 characters have this damaged background, they comfort and work through it and rely on one another to feel better. They become each other’s lodestone and that’s absolutely beautiful.

04. Mystery, thriller and let’s add some complicated EU politics, just few steps always from dystopia and whole bunch of fantastic storytelling, you get Occupied which I watched only last weekend. Sandhya highly recommended this and I decided to give it a shot. (She kinda knows what I like at this point and most of the time, I have enjoyed whatever she has recommended.) This was so good I had my parents watch it also. I now re-watch one episode a day and during the episode I read a lot about modern day Nordic politics, especially involving oil, trade and Russia. Having my parents involved in this discussion is an added bonus and most fun. This is my new favorite show. Also Eldar Skar. ❤ (the guy right there.)

05. In this current climate its almost impossible to recommend a TV show that’s about beat police. But I am going to recommend this grand show, SouthLAnd that goes into life of night detectives played by Regina King and some dude and three pairs of beat cops on the streets of LA. You almost never continuously see private lives of these people – we know that it exists and the problems that they have like all of us and how it can affect their jobs directly or indirectly. Its a splendid show where diversity exists in its boundaries but they never shove it into our faces. They Just Are and they do it brilliantly. Very rarely the show uses background score and uses the sounds of LA to play out as is. In the scenes below which involves both commercial and residential shooting, the sound is very much natural. Its fucking scary because there is no score. Its real. This is as real as it can get. Everything about it is real. Its quick, its fast, its dirty and it all happens all too soon. This is a show that got yanked of air way too fast.

If you guys know of any underrated TV shows, please recommend.