movie 17/90 – Godzilla (2014)

I watched the old Japanese Godzilla movies on VCP when I was 11 or 12. My older cousins who were teens and cool, were into foreign cinema, though had no fucking clue nuances the movie was trying to make. Naturally. And I loved the movie as a kid. It was tad scary but it was fun.

Fun fact – I was shit scared of everything when I was a child. Up until 12, I slept with night light on. I cried when here of a movie got slapped during a fight. Violence scared me. Horror? Forget it. I remember going to watch a hindi movie that Anil Kapoor in it and three quarters the movie down the line there is an action sequence. I was so upset that my parents had to bring me back home and I cried the whole way back. He got punched a few times or something. Something shifted around age 12. I was beginning to feel okay. And by 15, it was immune. Godzilla was a monster movie that precariously stood on the precipice of being scary both visually and metaphorically. Not that I understood the latter. I eased into the world of monsters and other scary stuff with these movies.

But it was fascinating especially when one of my cousins friend who was very very cool told me about the techniques of filming employed during that time. It got me hooked to these old movies. The movie got remade in the 90s. It was alright.

But this one. Now this one is supremely well shot, makes godzilla what it is and has no performative nonsense to its name. It’s a decent story for the involved humans but it’s a great CGI fest that’s rarely troublesome for the eyes. There is this scene where the soldiers fall from helicopters with redflare. Its beautiful, iconic and entirely haunting. It’s a fairly straightforward storyline but it’s a movie where we root for godzilla.

Rating: – something to watch with friends with lot of chatter going on the side. Cause there are moments of lull that no one cares for. We are all here for godzilla fights and mayhem.

12 thoughts on “movie 17/90 – Godzilla (2014)

  1. I had to check which version you were referring to and whether I had watched it. Turns out, I have seen the Matthew Broderick version (1998), and remember enjoying it.
    This post makes me raise a question…these remakes of popular movies, there’s got to be repetition fatigue setting in after some time. This goes for superhero movies too. Cashing in on something that’s been well received is a decent enough ploy to garner revenues, but at what point will it fail to work?
    And yes, I agree. Was shit scared os seemingly horror movies (that I now find funny) till about fifteen. After that it was smooth sailing

    • Now I see this. Jesus. Sorry about this.
      I liked that old 90s movie. But this one though, this one had some moments that made me wish humanity be wiped out. We dont need to be around.
      Superhero movies are franchise movies and they hopefully shouldn’t be having same formula. Yes fundamentally they are all the same but they need modified execution…

  2. I haven’t watched this version 😯
    Omg yes me too, I used to be terrified of ridiculous things the one I remember distinctly is sauron’s eye in LOTR, hah now that entire series (extended version of course) is my comfort place. And I laugh at horror, hence not a fan.

  3. I watched the 1998 film when I was teenager, it’s different from viewing when you are in teens as opposed to when all grown up.

  4. I think movies have changed so much…a movie you must have watched with awe in your childhood might seem ridiculous when you watch today…but still tends to bring back something in you ..I remember enjoying watching Godzilla long ago..
    I am not a big fan when it comes to these endless sequels of superhero movies…

  5. These days monsters and animals etc are very realistic but not as much fun where movies made witharticulated toys.I watched a lot of cartoon virsion of Godzilla but the film was very enjoyable and to watch it on the big screen was great.

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