List of classics books – some recommendation

These are in no particular order some of the classics I like. Making this list for a friend who wants some of the non-Indian classics I like.

  1. Don Quixote – Miguel De Cervantes: When I read Quixote the first time, I didn’t like it. It is a book that can be very easily dismissed. A man who is a knight want to fight for honor of others though however lame the reasons are. The point is, the lameness of the reason isn’t the question here. Its Quixote and his willingness to fight for causes that are clearly lost causes. There is a lot of humor. There is willful seriousness. But underneath it all, its about doing the right thing. Being a greater fool.
  2. Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkein: I grew up with this. I watch movies of this all the time. Its comforting.
  3. Middlemarch – George Elliot: I know most people don’t get why many people like this. A good reader friend of mine asks this as she is surprised always that I rank this higher than Austen and all the Bronte sisters. Simply put, the complexity of a story is not always in extraordinary circumstances, but making simple circumstances – extraordinary. Middlemarch does that in spades.
  4. Mansfield Park – Jane Austen: This is my favorite Austen primarily because she addresses that the wealthy men she has been writing about is because their monies is coming from slave trade.
  5. Meditations – Marcus Aurelias: The quintessential book on stoicism. Had a great impact on me.
  6. Henry V – My favorite Shakespeare. We get to Hank in Henry IV but his transformation from previous play to this is absolutely remarkable. The dialogues are stunning and I go back to this play all the time. Now that hollow crown is out, Tom Hiddleston plays Henry V and this adaptation plays out one of my favorites dialogs as a voice over. And its stellar.
  7. War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy: Bananas. 1500 pages of awesomeness.
  8. Sapho poetry – Sappho – Plato called her 10th muse. Everyone was a fanboy/fangirl of hers.
  9. Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov: It got banned in multiple countries, still gets brought up all the time. An entire sub-genre derived the name from this. A book written from the view of a pedo.
  10. Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov: I love Russian literature. This is one of my favorites. A clever satire, politics clearly masked as fantasy, and a sure winner for the characters.
  11. Crime and Punishment -Dostoevsky: If you want to write endless essays on moral conflicts, read this.
  12. Pillow book – Sei Shonagon: A courtesan from 10th century Japan maintained a diary that survived…a lot, lets say.
  13. The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas: Old fashioned murder mystery. Pretty fun.
  14. Essays – George Orwell: This might not go well with many, with the man critiquing the people of sub-continent, but for what its worth, he was also fighting wars that were pointless and the crown was fucking over itself with the government to be relevant.
  15. Faust – Goethe: A man makes a wager with the Devil. Its one of the earliest stories that had a definitive moral and this is pretty good. One of my favorite classic German literature.
  16. Bleakhouse – Dickens: Super depressing but super well written. Favorite and only Dickens I can tolerate.
  17. Little Women – Alcott: Pretty good story
  18. North and South – Elizabeth Gaskell: Its lovely. Critique of working class British vs, aristocracy, southern and northern British, self made and gentile folks, ah, its lovely.

What are your favorites non-Indian classics?

16 thoughts on “List of classics books – some recommendation

  1. We have like 50-ish% common with you on that list. Eliot and LOTR bore me to no end, the latter I’ve ranted to you about at length. Generally dislike Dickens and he was also quite the Dick 😂 Agree with all the Russian ones you mentioned!

    And Lady Audley’s Secret! Loveeee that one! Others –

    1. Scarlet Letter
    2. Northanger Abbey (my fav Austen)
    3. Richard III
    4. Candida (by GB Shaw)
    5. Vile Bodies
    6. Vanity Fair
    7. Painted Veil
    8. Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    9. North and South
    10. Three Men in a Boat

    Also The Glass Menagerie

    And anything Wodehouse ever wrote.

  2. I’ve only read two from the list, and didn’t like both. Lolita, of course gets points for being different but the whole voyeurism made me squeamish. Especially because of the antics of the girl, rather than the man.
    Little woman, I think the simplicity of it is what charms people. I just couldn’t connect to the characters… Even the rebellious Jo. And then that mixing and matching of pairs did it for me.
    My relationship with classics hasn’t been good. There’s Anna Karenina which I didn’t like. Some others, the babes of which fail to surface at the moment.
    As a kid I’ve enjoyed Count Dracula, Frankenstein, et al (do they count as classics?) And of course, Pride and Prejudice (the only book apart from the Mahabharata that I’ve read multiple times). There’s some Jules Verne books that I’ve enjoyed too

  3. I have read a few from your list
    1. I like all Shakespeare ones
    2. George Orwell
    3. Somerset Maugham esp his of human bondage ( that has stayed with me )
    4. Daddy long legs -jean Webster
    5. Jane Austen
    6. Shaw
    7. The blytons ( these are classics for me my love for books stemmed from reading their works)

  4. Read a few from your list. My list
    1 Jane Eyre -Charlotte Bronte. Did not warm up to Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
    2 Julius Caeser -William Shakespeare
    3 Lady Chatterley’s lover -D.H Lawrence-Can’t imagine why it was banned.
    4 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens -Loved all his books.
    5 The Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham. Loved all his books.
    6 Foundation Trilogy – Isaac Asimov./2001: Space Odyssey -Arthur C Clarke
    7 Washington Square – Henry James
    8 1984 – George Orwell (We are living it and not even worried about it any more)
    9 Cry – Beloved Country -Alan Paton – Set in South Africa
    10 Famished Road trilogy – Ben Okri -Nigerian author.
    11 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez# Original written in Spanish.
    I did read all these books but I confess I do not read much these days.

  5. I have read them all and love but prefer Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, George Elliot, Jane Austen and Bronte sisters. I noticed there are no Thomas Hardy novels in your list, have you read any of his novels?

  6. Ooo classics. I haven’t read most of them 😯

    Lotr, shakespeare(comedies, I hate reading tragedy😥), dickens, jane austen that’s it from your list. Damn!

    Narnia? Are those books considered classics? Journey to the center of the earth. Agatha christie, enid blyton, Nancy drew, hardy boys etc etc.

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