music on repeat – 6 songs, 3 hours straight

I have been working for three hours straight and I have been listening to only six songs – aptly titled “Freq” on my Spotify. I discovered five of this songs just this year and one is a forgotten gem that I rediscovered it this year. The songs have zero personal meaning to me but I do have oddly specific memories tied to them.

Also its been 3 hours of working straight and I am fucking bored. So deal with this boring ass post while I wait for my amma to bless me with a tall tumbler of filter coffee.

  1. Up all night by War on Drugs -> I listened to this first on Shameless Season 8 finale. There is a liberating feeling to this. This is when pandemic had just hit and my project had reached its peak where my job was pacification of two people who were fighting all the time. That was literally my job – to make sure the two people didn’t reach one another over the phone and kill each other. I got so irritated of their fighting and I forgot that I had taken myself off mute to yell at them only few minutes ago so I muttered to myself – God, either kill each other or fuck each other. Just let me live in peace. And since my luck is the way it is, naturally they heard it. Thankfully they weren’t that upset but it paused their fighting for like 3 hours. Some other thing happened, it started all over again. So whatever. Its a lovely song with some great lines.

2. River may come by Wild Yaks -> This was such a surprise listen. This came yearly on, maybe season 2 on Shameless, and it was an emotional moment on screen. When I listened to it the second time, there was news of death everywhere. Every morning we were waking up to reading statistics of infected, dead and recovered. And then praying that we wouldn’t be part of those numbers. I still do it every morning and this song is a gentle reminder of all the things that we wish we had done. Just one more last dance. One last kiss. Etc.

3. Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon -> A friend and I re-watched entire Supernatural series (4th time for me, 1st time for her) and I kind of forgot the amazing music it used to have. The first three seasons has solid rock music from which I discovered a lot of bands who not only became my favorite but I also went to concerts to. Now, don’t judge. This song is just badass in its own way. Its funny, its very tongue-in-cheek, its very dry humor. This song played in background in an unmemorable episode but I couldn’t get this song or “awooo” out of my head.

Now I get so, so many werewolf in London references.

4. Its never too late to start all over again – Steppenwolf

Its an iconic moment in recent Supernatural episodes when Castiel comes back from being dead. I have heard of Steppenwolf before but never this song and my friend with who I was watching Supernatural with, fell in love with a boy around the same time. It was a rocky road for the two, complicated at best and somehow this song attests to their growing complications.

5. Save me be Remy Zero -> Anyone remember Smallville? Yeah, this is the title track of the show. I was re-watching some Arrow-verse crossover events and in one of the episodes this showed up. I am pleasantly surprised and I used to love this title track. Pretty sharp track and very college rock vibe. Its probably not for the modern day crowd that prefers a much mellower take. The lyrics is actually pretty sweet so, mostly nostalgia.

6. Blinding Lights by The Weeknd -> The song that took internet by storm which I found out by a gamer who was playing an old game with this song in background. I generally have no idea about what’s the popular music. Bollywood – no. Western – if I run into them. But mostly I am 3-5 years late to discovering music. Unless they are played in TV shows. So color me surprised when I listened to this three days after its release.

Alright, the guy also performed on SNL so for the first time in more than a decade I was IN with the pop culture. This is written well, actually has a plot which is so damn rare in a music video, and the guy has damn good vocals. Listen to him live on SNL, he sings on this scale without breaking a sweat. There is no shake, no tremor. Its glorious. The song is a throwback to 80s synth music with 90s beats to the mix. Its a fantastic mix with to-tapping rhythm.

I got my coffee. Finished drinking my coffee. Now back to work. Laters.

60 thoughts on “music on repeat – 6 songs, 3 hours straight

  1. Supernatural!!!!!!
    Love that show sm. Season 1-5 was the best. And then they just dragged it. Though I still watch it now and then. Sometimes shows should end on a high, rather than become something else.
    Have you watched the Hillywood parody of supernatural? For Shake it off by Tswift?

    My intro to rock music was through that show too. You are so lucky you got to go for those concerts. I attended only 2 till date and right, when everyone I like had their tour dates out..covid happened.

    Your colleagues sound straight out of a romcom and your response very valid indeed πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    Latest Bollywood music – 0 —- me tooπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
    And latest music 0 too. I realised one thing about myself, I like bands way too much😝

    • thanks Chaitalee, i swear i didn’t see this message tiill now. i didn’t get a notification for this 😦 my apologies!
      i watch spn when i need some background noise. i have a playlist of episodes i like – its not always the episodes a lot of people like, and its mostly from first give seasons. my friend hadn’t seen it and she wanted to see something that’s without any drama and this was the best recommendation.!
      yep, i have seen hillywood production. they are awesome i think. they did two videos right? i knew some bands already – like Journey, Bon Jovi. But Bob Sager was through spn and Warren Zemo, Styx, Steppenwolf was all through this show..
      give the list i gave here a shot. they aren’t rock but a bit on modern take on rock and folk-sy style.

  2. You start working so early!!! (Unless you are not based in India, and my earlier comment becomes irrelevant)
    Coming to the songs, I’m not into Western music. There have been a few songs here and there that have caught my attention (some of them from TV shows). Bollywood though, I love (not the current autotuned stuff of course)

    • in india πŸ™‚ somedays i start work early when i need to get in solid day’s work. there are study with me videos online and i pick longest ones – 12 hours, 11 hours and i play them. they do 50/10 – 50 minutes study and 10 minute break. i follow that. a friend joins me as well. we chat during 10 minute break, drink tea, take a walk, read a book or like now, respond to message. its nice.
      i listen to all kind of music, almost all languages. but am very picky and choosy. it has to really really really click. even while learning classical music some i just can’t get into. am a huge fan of raga Arabhi. its so depressing its awesome.

  3. “I generally have no idea about what’s the popular music. Bollywood – no. Western – if I run into them. But mostly I am 3-5 years late to discovering music. Unless they are played in TV shows. ” – Ditto. I have so much in common with you that it’s not funny anymore πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜…. The only thing I don’t have in common with you is your work ethic. I waste a lot of time every day that it’s scary. I promise myself to study and then I go break it by finding something else to do 😳. You are an inspiration RB.

    And another thing we don’t have in common is Rock music. I hate it. I, generally, prefer music that makes me either sleep or focus. Anything else just makes me want to smash my head!
    And yeah.. personal meaning or not, music does hold really specific memories. For me, smell holds specific memories too. I would be doing something and some smell wafts in and bam! I fall down the slippery slope into nostalgia. It’s pretty weird, funny and meaningful at the same time!
    Laters. ( While this greeting was in use previously, it always reminds me of Fifty shades..😳. But then that film really popularized it. So…) Laters! Bye.

    • wasting time is probably the most natural thing ever πŸ™‚ working is the opposite thing to our nature is what i believe. i do like rock, industrial rock, psychedelic rock, school rock, college rock, alternative rock – all of it. i do love opera music too πŸ™‚ (my favorites are 1) Lakme – flower duet 2) mio babino caro) something has to click when it comes to music.
      and i totally get with the smell! it happens to me all the time. there is this kind of vodka that my friend once gave me – its basically a paint thinner and you drink because you have heartache and there should be no other reason why you are drinking it, and whenever i walk into a newly painted house, i remember that vodka. cause that vodka smelled like paint thinner. so yes, i hear ya.
      Laters. Fucking hate that Fifty shades took this away from 90s teens.

      • πŸ˜ƒ
        For me smell is a whole different level. my parents use me as an odor tester at times. Any and all smells hold some memory/meaning for me. The smell of soap to some vague smell in some corner town that’s native to that place.. all of them are perfectly stamped in my head. It’s both boon and a bane that I can sniff things out literally!

      • And.. I didn’t know there were these many rocks! Woah!

        And you are into opera too( or listen at times). You are something elseπŸ€“

        • yeah opera music is very expressive. i listened to one of them in a classical music CD i got during a secret santa exchange and delved into this after. Lakme – flower duet is absolutely gorgeous to listen to – its actually set in India πŸ™‚ its a conversation between two women – It is sung by the characters LakmΓ© (Lakshmi becoming that in French), daughter of a Brahmin priest, and her servant Mallika, as they go to gather flowers by a river.

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